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Drug Testing Blog

Monday, October 24 2022
Which Specimen Should You Choose? Saliva vs. Urine Drug Tests

Workplace drug screening has become more and more prevalent in the last two decades. In many cases, hiring managers will even drug-test candidates who make the final cut.


Numerous businesses here in Texas and across the country rely on drug tests to screen their staff. These tests are often preventative in nature—a deterrent for current and future staff, and a way to protect the work environment. But what type of drug tests should organizations administer?


This article will compare saliva drug screening and urine drug screening. Both are viable, but there are certain nuances to keep in mind.


Saliva vs. Urine Drug Screening

If you are thinking of developing a drug screening program, you may be wondering whether to conduct urine or saliva drug tests.


Currently, urine is the most common drug testing specimen, followed by saliva.


Urine drug tests are arguably the simplest to administer. These kits generally come with dip sticks, cards, panels, and cups. With results available in under 10 minutes, this method is efficient, practical, and quick. It can also test for numerous drugs in a single test.


Saliva drug tests also produce quick and accurate results. These oral screening solutions generally feature a simple saliva card. Like urine tests, they produce results in under 10 minutes. These kits—again, similar to urine tests—can screen for numerous drugs, including amphetamines, cannabinoids like marijuana, opiates, cocaine, and phencyclidine.


Saliva drug screening solutions have become more popular in recent decades. They have a shorter detection window than urine tests (48 hours instead of 72 hours), but they are in many ways just as effective. Not only that, but they can pick up on drug use minutes after the substance is taken. Urinalysis takes a few hours for the drug to metabolize in the system before the substance can be detected.


Which Specimen Is More Accurate?

Urine and saliva drug tests are similar in terms of accuracy. Urine drug tests produce results with an accuracy rate of more than 99%, while saliva drug tests are about 99% accurate. And while both can test for a broad range of illicit substances, urine tests can in most cases pick up more drugs.


So what’s the answer? Depending on your needs, industry, and setting, one solution might be preferable to the other. Saliva drug tests are usually slightly more convenient, and a little less likely to be manipulated. Oral solutions also require a minimal sample. Yet if speed and versatility are important to you, your organization might opt for urine drug tests instead.


Ultimately, the choice is yours. Whatever type of drug screening solution you choose, you can expect accuracy and efficiency. Our team is here to help you on your path to developing the best program for your needs.


Drug Screening for Texas Employers

Employers in Texas cities like San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Austin will save money and preserve their reputation by drug-testing their workers and applicants.


At Essential Screens and, our team will help you through every step. No matter your industry, we’ll craft the exact screening solution you need—administering saliva or urine drug tests on a periodic basis. Our team can develop a custom, clinically-backed program tailored to your requirements. We are truly a leader in point-of-care testing (POCT) and instant drug screening.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. For more information on our screening services, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Posted by: AT 02:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, May 25 2022
Drug Screening: Testing Trends for Marijuana in the Workplace

In the current labor market, many employers are happy to hire whatever qualified talent they can get. Job hopping has gradually become the norm in the past decade, and in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the labor market is arguably more competitive than ever.


Does this mean that employers should forego background screening?


The answer is a hard no. Hiring managers should continue conducting background checks on prospective team members. This includes testing job candidates—and current staff—for drugs.


What About Marijuana?

A key trend employers are seeing is that fewer drug test kits are screening for marijuana. In many cases, businesses’ custom panels no longer include cannabis.


This is a contentious topic. With the increased decriminalization of marijuana throughout the U.S., some companies don’t feel the need to test for cannabis use.


But should they? Many employers—those in states where recreational marijuana is criminalized, and those working in industries or roles where marijuana use is ill-advised—still view screening for cannabis a top priority.


Should Employers Test for Marijuana?

It may seem like everywhere you look in the U.S., cannabis is being legalized. Medicinal marijuana is currently legal in 37 states, and recreational marijuana has been decriminalized in 19 states and the District of Columbia. Additional states are slated to follow suit in 2023, 2024, and beyond.


In 2012, Philadelphia actually joined Nevada and New York City to implement a ban on pre-employment screening for marijuana. While these laws feature exemptions for positions with a special emphasis on physical safety—for instance, those in healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing—these laws set a remarkable precedent.


Yet at the federal level, marijuana is still a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act. This makes cannabis illegal under federal law, no matter individual states’ take on the matter. It also means that while some employers feel there’s no longer a need to screen for the substance, current legislation does not give team members free rein to work under the influence.


Our take is that most employers should continue screening their applicants and staff for marijuana. However, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to drug screening. Creating a custom program is essential.


Why Screen for Marijuana in the Workplace?

If you’re wondering whether to screen your employment base for marijuana, consider the following: Many states where marijuana is now legal have exemptions for safety-sensitive positions. Legally, organizations can still prohibit their teams from working under the influence and from using cannabis on company property. In most cases, employers can still test for marijuana as well.


Now, 16% of global companies are fully remote today. And yes, this adds yet another layer of complexity to the drug screening process. But employers still, generally speaking, have the right to screen their staff. Many company leaders have reasonable concerns involving:


  • Work performance
  • Safety
  • Liability
  • Impairment
  • Productivity


Current trends show that these are just some of the pitfalls of not testing team members and job applicants for marijuana use. The most important thing is for human resources teams to reconsider blanket testing, or testing for all positions unnecessarily in states where recreational marijuana is legal.


Hiring managers have the right to develop specific policies for individual roles where marijuana testing would be relevant—checking with the laws in their jurisdiction to make sure their approach is compliant, ethical, and aligned with the risks involved in the position.


Now, we’re not saying all employers should terminate every team member—or nix every candidate—who tests positive for marijuana. We are simply urging organizational leaders to take this matter seriously. Current trends show that not testing for cannabis puts the company at risk of negligent hiring and retention claims—and no one wants that liability.


Build Your Employee Drug Screening Program Today

Interested in building a comprehensive drug screening program for your workforce and job candidates?


Curious about the services we offer at Essential Screens and


Our team can guide you through every step. No matter your industry, we’ll work with you to craft the exact solution you need—saving you time and money, and reducing turnover and liability as a result.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. For more information on our screening services, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Posted by: AT 12:47 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 30 2022
Drug Screening Your Employees in San Antonio

Did you know that over 2 million people live in Bexar County—and that as many of 74% of drug users nationwide are currently employed?


Every year, drug abuse costs U.S. employers billions of dollars. Employers right here in San Antonio and the surrounding area are no exception. This, however, doesn’t have to be the case for your team.


A comprehensive drug screening program can help.


Drug Screening in Bexar County

Drug tests are essential to employers here in San Antonio. They keep people who abuse drugs from building our infrastructure, teaching our kids, and caring for our loved ones.


But when, exactly, should drug screening occur? A combination of pre- and post-hire screening will generally yield the best results. Some of the best times to require drug tests are as follows:


  • Pre-Employment

Often, a negative drug test is a condition of future employment.


  • After an Accident

Employers should require drug tests after an accident to rule out the possibility of drug use.


  • With Reasonable Suspicion

Managers who reasonably suspect their staff may be using drugs can request testing.


  • Randomly

Some companies follow a random employee drug testing program. The process should be randomized, computer-generated, and unbiased.


  • On Return-to-Duty

Employees who fail a drug test and go on to receive treatment may be required to submit a negative return-to-work drug test. Testing in the months that follow may be required as well.


  • Before a Promotion

Some companies choose to screen their employees for drugs as a condition of a promotion.


Why Is Drug Testing Important?

In Bexar County, the benefits of implementing a drug screening program are expansive and include improvements in:


  • Employee Safety

Companies that require employees to drive, use heavy machinery, or perform any sort of manual labor generally require drug testing to protect their staff. The Department of Transportation (DOT) upholds specific testing requirements, but plenty of industries don’t. This means it’s up to the employer to be proactive in safeguarding their team.


  • Customer Safety

Failure to screen your employees for drugs could result in a number of problems surrounding customer safety. A lack of awareness as a result of drug use could result in a data breach, for example. And physically too, team members who abuse drugs present a greater risk to customers. Employee drug tests are integral to building customer safety and trust.


  • Company Safety

Some businesses wonder whether drug tests are “worth the money.” While on the surface they may seem like yet another business expense, the truth is that a drug screening program is well worth the investment. Higher productivity, reduced turnover, lower Workers’ Compensation premiums, and decreased liability are just the beginning.


Another important consideration is to make sure your drug screening policy is readily-available to all team members in writing. Employees should understand the disciplinary consequences of a positive test, just as employers should provide team member education on the dangers and risks of drug and alcohol abuse. Keeping everyone in the loop is vital.


Build Your Drug Screening Program Today

Is your San Antonio business interested in developing a custom drug screening program?


Would you like more information about the services we offer at Essential Screens and


Our team will walk you through every step. Look no further if you’re hoping to create or elevate your drug screening program. We’ll work with you to curate the exact solution you need, so that your team can focus on the work your organization has set out to do.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. 

Posted by: AT 09:35 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 29 2021
How to Use Saliva Kits and Urine Cups for New-Hire Drug Screening

With a custom, consistent drug screening protocol, you can make sure your team is abstaining from illicit substances.


But are you protecting your company by screening new hires for drug use?


Pre-Employment Drug Screening

Some employers choose to periodically—and even randomly—test their staff for drugs.


What some might not recognize is that it’s just as important to screen team members for drug use before they start working for you. We typically recommend comprehensive drug testing before filling any open positions you may have.


Why is this? Well, drug use is more prevalent than you might think. Data from 2019, for example, revealed that 57 million Americans confessed to using illicit drugs in the last year.


From marijuana and THC, to opiates and cocaine, and even amphetamines and methamphetamines, you can screen potential workers for a full suite of substances. If the test comes back positive, you’ll know you need to look elsewhere for your next new hire.


So be transparent about your screening process, but don’t overlook the importance of testing new staff for drugs. Drug use can compromise workplace safety for both the candidate and others, and it should definitely be taken seriously.


Continue reading for insights into some of the more popular drug screening solutions. With these options at your disposal, you’ll have a cutting-edge new-hire drug testing protocol available in no time.


Saliva Kits

Oral saliva drug screen test kits are simple to use, cost-efficient, and serve as a practical pre-employment screening tool.


Here’s how they work: The donor, or person being tested for drugs, inserts a test swab into their mouth and then waits for the swab to collect the fluids. The idea is to gently move the tool around the mouth until it reaches full saturation.


From there, the swab is pushed into the kit. The results are ready in just five to 10 minutes. With 99% accuracy, employers appreciate the convenience and reliability this solution brings.


It’s important to note that saliva screening kits are most often used to screen for marijuana, though they can also detect other drugs.


Urine Cups

True to their name, urine drug test kits test the potential new hire’s urine for illicit drug use.


Here’s how they work: The donor, or person being tested for drugs, is given a cup into which to urinate. They will take the cup into the bathroom and fill it to the required level before sealing the lid and returning it to the technician.


Cost-efficient and 99% accurate, this solution is a common way to screen for marijuana and other drugs. Results are typically available in just five to 10 minutes.


Ready to move forward with your own drug screening program? The drug testing industry is constantly evolving—which is precisely where comes in. We stay on top of the latest research and trends, offer science-backed products, and support our clients in their exact needs and goals. Those focused on new-hire drug testing are no exception.


Develop Your New-Hire Drug Screening Program Today

Interested in building a custom drug screening program for your business?


Want more information on the services available at Essential Screens and


Speed, accuracy, and reliability are just the beginning. Our team will guide you through every step, and curate the new-hire drug screening program you’ve been waiting for. Look no further for cutting-edge saliva kits and urine cups. We’ll work with you to develop the exact solution you need.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for details.

Posted by: AT 03:45 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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Your one stop shop for employee and other drug screening needs.

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1828 N Webb Road
Suite 1
Grand Island, NE 68803
800-618-1694 (fax)

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